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The Osterhout Library's online silent auction will begin at 4 PM on September 10 and ends at 9 PM on September 12. There is no cost to register for the auction and payment is only required on the items you win. Click HERE to browse the auction items, register to bid, purchase raffle tickets, or to make a donation to the library.
The Seafest Take-Away dinner will be held at the Westmoreland Club. View the invite and menu HERE and RSVP for the Seafest HERE.
Free to register for the online silent auctionHow
Click HERE to browse the auction items, register to bid, purchase raffle tickets, or to make a donation to the library. The Seafest Take-Away dinner will be held at the Westmoreland Club. View the invite and menu HERE and RSVP for the Seafest HERE.
Please tell them Macaroni Kid Wilkes-Barre sent you.
More Info
Please contact Amber Loomis with any questions by emailing