
Luzerne County Head Start, Inc.

23 Beekman Street
Phone: 570-829-6231Email: lchsinfo@hsweb.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Luzerne County Head Start, Inc. (LCHS) is an income-based early childhood education program that provides comprehensive services at no cost to eligible pregnant women, children birth to age five, and their families in Luzerne and Wyoming Counties.  LCHS provides services to preschool-aged children who are part of the Head Start and Pre-K Counts programs and infants, toddlers and pregnant women, who are part of the Early Head Start home visiting program.  LCHS has more than 50 Head Start and Pre-K Counts classrooms in more than two dozen locations across Luzerne and Wyoming Counties.  Additionally, there are five Early Head Start centers.  
LCHS supports children growing and thriving in a nurturing environment of parents, family, neighborhood, and community where they and their families have options and opportunities for optimum growth, development, and learning.  LCHS is committed to meeting the emerging needs of our children.  As a two-generation model providing comprehensive services, LCHS provides crucial early learning opportunities to those young children most vulnerable in the community.  
LCHS believes a parent is a child’s first and most important teacher.  For that reason, parents/caregivers are strongly encouraged to take an active part in their child’s early education experience.  Our professionally trained educators work with families to provide them with the knowledge and resources they need in regards to education, health, oral health and nutrition to help their children grow, learn, and successfully transition from early education programs to kindergarten and beyond.  
LCHS’s program first began in 1965 with 90 enrollment slots and has since then has grown to accommodate more than 1,100 children.  

Business Review

"Before beginning at Head Start, my son, could not be understood.  Since he has started the program, he has opened up to others, shares, talks, eats better and is calmer.  He loves his classroom and looks forward to going to school. It has also helped me to understand him; not only his speech but also his abilities. The overall experience has been great for both of us.” - Pedro, Luzerne County Head Start father

"Thanks to the support of Head Start and home visiting programs, I’ve been able to complete my coursework to become an EMT/paramedic and start the process of buying a home. This program has given my family so much. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am." - Alyssa, Luzerne County Head Start mother

“The experience my grandson had with Early Head Start gave him a better chance.  As a grandmother, I did not realize there was so much you could do to help infants develop and grow.  Without Early Head Start and the motivation from the staff, my grandson probably would not have achieved his age-related goals.” - Mary, Luzerne County Head Start grandmother